Thanks for looking at my blog. This is where I publish my thoughts, musings, projects, and anything else that comes to mind.

Learning the Power Platform – AI Builder

Microsoft Business Application Summit 2019 announced another build tool – AI Builder. As many of you know, the world of Microsoft Business Applications has changed. Those that have been in the industry for some time will remember talking about Dynamics CRM, and then Dynamics 365. Although Dynamics 365 was the starting point, today it is just a PowerApp operating on the Power Platform.

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Artificial Intelligence Mark Smith Artificial Intelligence Mark Smith

Practical Artificial Intelligence

I have been reading a lot about Artificial Intelligence lately. In the years ahead I believe that the prevalence of AI is only going to increase, changing the way we live and affecting every person on this planet. I'll be writing a few posts on AI in the coming weeks as it is an area that personally interests me, as well as being increasingly central to the area of technology that I focus on, the Microsoft Power Platform.

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