Thanks for looking at my blog. This is where I publish my thoughts, musings, projects, and anything else that comes to mind.

10 Actions to Boost Your Power Platform Career

What I wanted to do in this post is give you some food for thought, some things to consider to boost your career and get you into the driver’s seat of your life. I work with the Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365 and have done for many years. For years I did what I was asked to do on the job, delivering results for other people but not thinking about where I was going or keeping my career in tip-top condition.

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Learning the Microsoft Power Platform – Microsoft Flow

Microsoft Flow is one of the foundation tools that make up the Microsoft Power Platform. It is a tool that was born in Microsoft Azure. One of the founding creators of it was a guy by the of name Stephen Siciliano. He was working on a project called Azure Logic Apps.

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Industry Targeting to Grow the Microsoft Power Platform Practice – Part 2

In Part 1 I highlighted the need for Microsoft partners to focus on an industry solution, how to decide which industry to focus on, and how to establish a “beachhead” to dominate that industry. In this post, I’ll share ideas for creating interest within the industry you’re targeting and how to build credibility through references and industry engagement.

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Industry Targeting to Grow the Microsoft Power Platform Practice – Part 1

In my sixteen years of working in Microsoft Business Applications and twenty years of working for Microsoft Partners I have never come across a partner that has said “we have more leads than we can handle, we have more opportunities than we can pursue, we are making more money than we know what to spend it on”.

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Microsoft Business Applications Nomenclature

Recently we have seen a lot of change in the Microsoft Business Applications space. Microsoft moved James Phillips into the role of Corporate Vice President of the Microsoft Business Application suite of products and that has created some massive upturn and scaling of the ecosystem we have come to know over the past years.

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