Supercharge Your Power Platform Career: 10 Game-Changing Strategies

The following is a list of additional resources relating to my presentation “Supercharge Your Power Platform Career: 10 Game-Changing Strategies

The Power Platform Professional Today

The landscape for Power Platform professionals is continually evolving, driven by rapid advancements in AI, automation, and cloud technologies. This dynamic field requires a proactive approach to learning and adaptability, moving beyond just acquiring new tools to embracing a flexible, forward-thinking mindset.

Challenges such as overwhelming new features, imposter syndrome, and the fast pace of technological shifts are real—but so are the opportunities. Embracing continuous learning and effective communication with stakeholders sets the stage for significant career advancements.

10 Strategies to Transform Your Career - Additional Resources

1. Accelerate Your Learning

Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential by Tiago Forte - How to effectively organize digital information through a method called CODE (Capture, Organize, Distill, Express). It's ideal for anyone looking to improve their learning efficiency by leveraging digital tools to enhance creativity, productivity, and personal knowledge management.

2. Architect Your Success

90 Day Mentoring Challenge do the Microsoft Power Platform, Copilot and Dynamics 365 - Mark & Meg Smith

3. Unleash Your Problem-Solving Superpowers

4. Craft an Irresistible Personal Brand

Go From Undiscovered to Growing Your LinkedIn Account - Justin Welsh

5. Leverage the Power of Community

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin - Discusses the importance of finding and leading groups that are passionate about what you are passionate about, which is vital for community engagement.

6. Showcase Your Expertise

Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds by Carmine Gallo - Provides insights into effective public speaking, a key skill for professionals who want to showcase their expertise.

7. Navigate the Certification Maze

8. Embrace Emerging Technologies

9. Master Stakeholder and Communication Skills

Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Kim Scott - This book is essential for anyone looking to enhance their communication skills with stakeholders. It teaches how to deliver honest feedback while showing you care personally, crucial for building strong professional relationships and fostering an environment of open dialogue and mutual respect.

10. Cultivate Resilience and Adaptability

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth - Explores the importance of resilience and persistence in achieving long-term goals.

Bonus: Critical Thinking

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman - Examines different ways our minds work and how to harness these processes to think more effectively and make better decisions.

Dive Deeper

For those who want to explore each strategy further, I’ve included my presentation for download below.

Download the Presentation

Engage and Connect

I encourage you to start implementing these strategies today. Join a user group, start a blog, or work towards a certification—and don't forget to connect with me on LinkedIn.

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