Thanks for looking at my blog. This is where I publish my thoughts, musings, projects, and anything else that comes to mind.

What are the Benefits of Employing a Microsoft MVP?

I recently had a conversation with the founder and CEO of a Microsoft Business Applications Global Systems Integrator (GSI). The discussion turned to Microsoft MVPs and his desire to hire as many as he could across their global business. Some interesting questions were raised including, what are the benefits of employing MVPs? And how can a Microsoft Partner effectively invest in attracting and hiring MVPs?

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How to Become and Remain a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) is an annual award that Microsoft presents to individuals that are an outstanding contributor in the community for a specific Microsoft product. Some feel that the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award should not only be for a Microsoft product speciality, that if you are an MVP you are an MVP period. Currently, though, Microsoft awards Most Valuable Professionals in relation to a specific product area. In my case, I am now a Microsoft Business Applications Microsoft Valuable Professional and have held the award for the past 8 years.

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nz365guy’s Podcast Setup

Around 18 months ago I decided to start a podcast. The reason for doing this is I had taken a year off work to travel the world with my wife, but I wanted to develop a new skill while travelling and that was to become a good listener. I contacted Joel Lindstrom and talked to him about my plans and he invited me to syndicate my Podcast on CRM.Audio and so I recorded my first show in Nottingham UK at my cousin’s house. One of my aims in podcasting is to learn how to create a connection between the guests I was interviewing and the people listening so that the audience felt like the guest was speaking directly to them as an individual. The format of my podcasts has always been a guest interview scenario with me and one other person on the call.

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