5 Roles for a Successful Low Code Center of Excellence

Bringing in low code with a ‘loose’ plan? ❌ Think again.

You need clear roles & responsibilities.

Here’s a 30-second summary of 5 key roles. 👇🏽

You can start with less roles than this & grow as needed.

They apply to when you’re setting up a Center of Excellence with the Power Platform. The goal is the right mix of oversight and freedom. This allows you to get business value from low code & keep your vision aligned.

Here are the 5 roles:

▶️Low-Code Strategy Team
▶️Power Platform Admin Team
▶️Power Platform Nurture Team
▶️Automation & Reusable Components Team
▶️User Support

👉🏼Low-Code Strategy Team:
This team maintains oversight when it comes to the Microsoft Power Platform. They make sure it aligns with the company's goals and handle adoption and change management. They also help teams work together better and promote digital literacy through education and culture change.

👉🏼Microsoft Power Platform Admin Team (IT department fuction):
The admin team sets up the environment, manages data protection policies, and takes care of user management, capacity, and licensing. They also help makers access data through connectors, integration, or migration.

👉🏼Microsoft Power Platform Nurture Team:
This team is made up of champions & in charge of organising events and mentoring makers. They help new makers get up and running and spread the word about the platform.

👉🏼Automation and Reusable Components Team:
This team takes care of automating tasks, like archiving unused resources and identifying frequently used resources. They also set up the application lifecycle management and support makers with architecture reviews and shared templates and components.

👉🏼User Support:
Use your established IT ticket support process & provide guidance, FAQs, and support processes and resources to involve them.

Based on the size of your team some roles may be carried out by the same person.

These are from Microsoft's Recommendations with the Power Platform - saving you time. You’re welcome. 😉

One last thing. I am a strong believer in most roles sitting outside of the IT department.

What do you think of them?

If you’re starting with less roles, which ones would you prioritize and why?

Get in touch to find out how I can help.


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Power Platform and The Role Center of Excellence