5 Core Principles of Design Thinking
Why is Design Thinking important?
It's all about taking a human-centred
approach, understanding, and empathising with, the people who will use the technology we implement.
A Design Thinking approach works for both technology and physical product development. It is underpinned by five core principles:
It's about understanding the impact of solutions on people and exploring their needs and behaviours.
Involves all stakeholders - from executives to end-users, extending to customers for external impacts.
👉Structured creativity
It appears chaotic with brainstorming and post-its, but it is a controlled process for creating innovative ideas.
👉Rapid prototyping
Quickly creating and testing prototypes to ensure they meet technical, business, and user requirements.
It is not a one-off process but a cycle of refining and updating as feedback is received and priorities shift.
Design Thinking ultimately ensures outcomes are aligned closely with user needs.
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