Unlocking the Potential of AI in 2024


Want to use AI in 2024 in your business?

Here are 6 questions that are helpful to ask.

1. What problems can we solve with AI?
Getting clear on the specific benefits AI can bring to their operations is helpful. This includes improvements in efficiency, cost savings, revenue growth, customer experience, and innovation. Start with an end goal in mind.

2. How will AI impact our workforce?
It’s good to understand how AI can affect jobs. Knowing what will likely happen with job displacement, and the new roles and skills that will be required. Getting prepared.

3. What Is the return on investment (ROI)?
This includes the cost of development and deployment, the expected timeframe for ROI, and how to measure the success of AI initiatives. While it’s not all known upfront, planning ahead is good practice.

4. How do we ensure data privacy and security?
With AI relying heavily on data, you’ll want to be clear about complying with data protection regulations like GDPR, ensuring customer data privacy, and safeguarding against security breaches.

5. How do we overcome the skill gap?
As AI requires specialized skills, you’ll likely wonder how to acquire the necessary talent. This could involve training existing employees, hiring new talent, or partnering with external AI experts.

6. How do we integrate AI with existing systems?
There can be challenges with integrating AI with your current IT infrastructure, legacy systems, and business processes. Managing this digital transformation smoothly is a key consideration.

All of these are good questions to be asking.

Want to digitally transform your organization?

Get in touch to find out how I can help.


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