Netbreeze the Technology at Time of Purchase (Part 2 of 3)


Please read the other posts in this series Part 1 & Part 3

Before the purchase by Microsoft, Netbreeze had two core products: Community Report and ComMonitor. Here is a features comparison of the two products:

Community Report


Search result access

For public debate

For confidential data



30 Languages

Documents & reports archive

Number of documents or reports

Not limited

Number of search queries

Base 6, indefinitely expandable


Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, online news, blogs, message boards

Web, other sources



Identification of major sources

Email alerts

Export to Excel, Word, XML, CSV, PDF, SVG, PNG and JPG


 analysis including options for manual adjustment

Dynamic reports


As well as this list they had also introduced the concept of widgets, allowing publishers to gain a deep understanding of how their content was been interacted with.Additional Services options included, Support for Agencies, Publishers and CRM.

I have translated from German what they had published here.

Netbreeze has what is called a Navigator platform. It uses three key methods:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • Data Mining

  • Semantic text Analysis

The Netbreeze Navigator periodically searches the most important social media sources and the internet for new relevant documents. Sources such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are directly integrated. Blogs, discussion forums, online news and general websites are covered by appropriate search engines. Print media can be integrated with the corresponding data suppliers (eg Factiva, Argus). This setup allows a 360-degree media analysis.

Specifically developed filter and language processing algorithms ensure very high data quality. The methods exclude spam and irrelevant documents automatically from the analysis. A particular query language allows formulating precise queries and ensures reliable identification of topics and brands in the documents.

Communication in the internet is not limited by geographic or linguistic boundaries. The Netbreeze Navigator therefore supports several writing systems and 28 different writing systems like German, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Traditional Chinese or Mandarin.

The Netbreeze Navigator analyzes emotional expressions in conversations and automatically detects positive and negative statements. You can see easily if a topic in social media has a positive or negative connotation.

The Netbreeze Navigator automatically notifies you by e-mail when new critical documents are found. You decide by means of a simple configuration which topics and trademarks are observed and to whom alerts are sent.

The dashboard shows an overview of the main analyses and findings. Your data is represented in the form of charts and tickers. You can configure the dashboard yourself so that it always corresponds to your current interests.

You can read Netbreeze API Part 3 of 3


Netbreeze API Version 1 (Part 3 of 3)


Netbreeze Understanding Your Audience (Part 1 of 3)