Low code/no code: The Solution to the IT Talent Shortage

Struggling to find & retain IT talent you need? You’re not alone.

Low code/no code is a great strategy to combat the labour shortage. 👇🏽

The global shortage of software engineers may reach 85.2 million by 2030. - US DOL ⚠️

Over 80% of businesses struggle with attracting and keeping software developers and engineers. (McKinsey) As a solution, many companies have turned to low-code/no-code tools. ✅

Using these tools, the average company has been able to avoid hiring two IT developers, resulting in an estimated increase of $4.4 million in business value over a three-year period.

Low code / no code technologies aren't going away anytime soon.

Adoption is poised to accelerate by 2026.

Here are a few key reasons why:
👉🏼 Businesses are looking for faster application delivery that doesn't require as much engineering input.
👉🏼 There is a shortage of tech talent, which is leading companies to look for alternative solutions.
👉🏼 The trend towards a hybrid or borderless workforce is increasing, and low-code development technologies can help companies adapt to this new way of working.

In addition to these factors, democratization, hyperautomation, and composable business initiatives are expected to be key drivers that will accelerate the adoption of low-code technologies over the next three years.

What now?

It’s a key time to adopt LC/NC into your comprehensive strategy.

Have you started doing this? If so - how is it going?

If you want help making it happen…. get in touch.


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