How to use AI for industry research

Unlocking the full potential of AI tools can transform how consultants prepare for client engagements across new industries.

Here's a quick guide to using AI to gain industry insights quickly and efficiently:

✅ Define your research objective
Start by clarifying why you're gathering industry insights. Understanding your end goal is crucial, whether for a bid response, a demo, or a pitch.

✅ Craft your AI prompts
Identify the key areas you need insights on within your target industry, such as market trends, competitors, and regulatory challenges. Tailor your prompts to be specific to the industry and region.

✅ Engage with AI for research
Utilise AI tools by submitting your crafted prompts. Let the AI delve into the industry, gathering comprehensive overviews, identifying key players, and outlining current challenges and trends.

✅ Analyse AI-generated insights
Go through the information from AI carefully. Pick out the most important details that match your goals and combine them to get a clear picture of what the industry looks like.

✅ Apply insights
Use the insights to develop informed conversation starters, tailor your proposal or demo, and demonstrate a deep understanding of the client's industry.

By following these steps, consultants can quickly get up to speed on any industry, ensuring their client engagements are informed, relevant, and impactful.

Are you currently using AI for industry research?

Get in touch to find out how I can help.


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