eXtreme365, User Group Summit and Power Platform Summit – The Final Countdown

We are only two weeks away from the largest community summit in the Microsoft Business Applications calendar for 2019. This is actually a combination of three events across the week of 15th October 2019 in Orlando, Florida. The three events are as follows:

This event is the crowing occasion of the 2019 Calendar for DCI who have already run this event in Amsterdam and Melbourne this year with great success.

There are many reasons I am looking forward to attending, but the main one is the chance to connect with so many people from all walks of life. All united by interest in Microsoft Business Applications, either as individuals or on behalf of organisations that work with the technology daily or implement the technology for customers.

If you are attending this event, I would love to connect with you in person so we can share ideas and learn from each other. If you want to connect with me before the event, please connect on LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/nz365guy

Although I get to meet with amazing people at these events, I also have a bit of work to do. This is how things are shaping up for me.

I arrive into Orlando from London on the 11th which gives me a chance to deal with jetlag and get settled before the fun begins.

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to live stream at the Microsoft Business Application Summit in Atlanta. The idea was to engage with key people at the event for short 10-12-minute interviews that were broadcast live to YouTube, so that people who could not attend the event could get to feel the event via this format and learn from various attendees and speakers. Steve Mordue and I took turns interviewing people, and for our first crack at this format we learned a lot and now get a chance to do it all again in Orlando.

If you are going to be at Orlando, we would love you to come and say hi! We are located in the blue star on the expo floor.

As you can see, it is a MASSIVE expo floor, and we are at the end of the blue arrow below.

We have this as our backdrop for the event so you can’t miss us.

If you are not able to make it to the event, please watch live here http://bit.ly/poweruplive. If you want to be reminded when we go live, please subscribe on YouTube and hit the bell to get a notification to jump online and watch.

At this event between Steve and myself, we will be speaking at a few sessions.  Here is our line-up:

  • eXtreme365– Industry Panel with Microsoft, Top ISVs, VARs, and MVPs – Monday, October 14, 2019, 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM

  • eXtreme365 – Navigating ISV Opportunities: How to Engage – Tuesday, October 15, 2019, 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM

  • Power Platform – Power Platform Pub Quiz – Wednesday, October 16, 2019, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM

As eXtreme365 is targeted at Microsoft Partners that want to grow, expand and learn from other partners we will be focused on the Independent Software Vendor (ISV) opportunity. In this financial year, Microsoft is investing in ISV partners like never before.

We want to make sure you get answers to your questions on how to start and grow a successful ISV. The ISV Cloud opportunity is over $57Billion, and Microsoft is providing funds to invest in your growth. If you have questions or topics before the event that you want us to address, please connect with me on LinkedIn and private message me.

In a past post I talked about the Power Platform Pub Quiz and the opportunity to not only learn but to have fun doing it. Global Bragging Rights are up for grabs and teams have already started submitting their entries for this session.

Team CanadaTeam Sweden and Team Li’l Sebastian have entered as well as many more. Based on experience this will be a packed-out quiz with standing room only. Teams are selected on a first-come, first-served basis.

Register your team and be in to win a heap of SWAG on the day and maybe sink a drink or two before the events evening festivities start. Full details can be found here.

I look forward to seeing you all at the event.  If you have suggestions for any part of what I have covered, please let me know in the comments below.


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