Contact Centers

Involved with Contact Centers? 📲You always want to create a great experience.

Here are 5 challenges I see in making them effective.

1. Going Digital End-to-End
A digital contact center works from anywhere, is no longer dependent on a single physical location, and people can support customers from a range of locations, without hardware dependency.

2. Disjointed solutions have led to inconsistent customer experiences
Many contact center and CRM systems are built on legacy systems that don’t talk to each other. There are conversational AI capabilities in one system, call routing in another system, customer records in one database, and ticketing or case management systems in yet another app.

This leads to a terrible customer experience, with high maintenance and operational costs, security vulnerabilities and disjointed data with multi-vendor complexity, all contributing to slower innovation. A platform approach instead can create seamless experiences.

3. Engaging customers on their preferred channel
People want the same quality of service, whether they're emailing, chatting, or calling. Making this happen across the board isn't always easy.

4. Security & Privacy
With more online threats, keeping customer data safe is a big deal. This means strong protection measures and always being on the lookout. Use voice biometrics to reduce validation time with customers.

5. Advanced Analytics
Modern centers need to pull useful info from the data they gather. This might mean using smart tools to get how customers feel, guess their next move, or just work more efficiently.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing about how to level up your service using the Microsoft Digital Contact Center Platform.

Do you work with Contact Centers?

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Contact Centers and CRMs


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