Assessing Your Need for C4E
How do you know if a Centre for Enablement (C4E) is right for you?
1. IT is complaining about supporting too many undocumented “citizen” apps that have become mainstream.
2. You are getting feedback that your apps are ugly and not as usable as people expect.
3. If you have over 50 applications that need modernization
4. If you need to scale at a team or department level.
5. If you are using Power Apps and Power Automate to solve tactical problems but know you can do more.
6. If you are running into bottle necks when it comes to building solutions at scale
7. If your current apps/solutions landscape has potential security risks
8. If you want to bring the digital literacy of your people up by 30%
9. If you want a platform ecosystem that allows you to address unknown future business challenges
10. If you want to enable your organisation to embrace AI
Key ingredients for a successful C4E:
→ Executive support
→ Cross-discipline collaboration
→ Consistency
→ Transparency
C4E is more than a structure, it's about fostering a collaborative, innovative, and transparent work culture.
Get in touch to find out how I can help.