10 Life-Changing Tools for Dyslexics
As a groundskeeper, I purchased my first computer, a Tandy. That was the start of my journey to tech.
Now, here are the tools I use to give me superpowers with my dyslexia.
1. Speechify
2. Grammarly
3. Ugmonk
4. Pomodoro
5. Audible
6. Read Aloud In Outlook
7. Spoken Content on iPhone
8. Healthy Minds
9. ChatGPT
10. Power Platform
What tools give you superpowers?
I have provided links to all the resources listed below:
1. Speechify https://share.speechify.com/mztTEzI
2. Grammarly https://www.grammarly.com/referrals/redeem?key=21c9wq2ljdvwc51l
3. Ugmonk https://ugmonk.com/products/analog-starter-kit
4. Pomodoro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNBmG24djoY
5. Audible https://www.audible.com
6. Read Aloud In Outlook
7. Spoken Content on iPhone
8. Healthy Minds https://hminnovations.org
9. ChatGPT https://openai.com/chatgpt
10. Power Platform https://www.microsoft.com/power-platform
Get in touch to find out how I can help.