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Simple Power Platform Centre of Excellence Strategy

Using the Power Platform to drive innovation? 🦾

Create a ‘Centre of Excellence’ to get the freedom & alignment you need.

A whole new team isn’t required. Start simply with these 3 steps: 👇🏽

Before starting, get clear on why you’re setting up a CoE, your aims and business outcomes.

Then, rather than creating a full new team, start simply & learn/adjust along the journey.


Here are 3 steps to get started:


Secure by establishing Data Loss Prevention Policies and managing licenses and access to data sources.


Evangelize by providing a community space on Viva Connections, Yammer, SharePoint, or my favorite PowerForge with a collection of links for people to start their learning.


Monitor your usage, see who is creating apps, what apps are being created and how they are used and evolve your CoE Strategy with those learnings.


These steps will allow you to get started quickly and gain learnings that will inform the next steps as you move forward.

Why use a Centre of Excellence at all?

A Power Platform Centre of Excellence is an extremely helpful coordinating function.

It ensures the Power Platform strategy is aligned with the Digital Transformation Strategy of your company.

Some large benefits are:
- Driving innovation and Improvement
- Breaking down silos
- Sharing knowledge and success

It gives you the right mix of organic growth on one hand, and control & governance on the other. This creates confidence for both the makers & admin to work together.

It’s easy to get stuck in over planning, rather than gaining learnings early.

What do you think is the right amount of simplicity to get started?

Get in touch to find out how I can help.