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Netbreeze Understanding Your Audience (Part 1 of 3)

Recently at Convergence 2013, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM team announced their acquisition of Swiss company Netbreeze. This post is based on my research and includes information about Netbreeze before it was acquired by Microsoft. Also please note that all content in this post is in the public domain. None of the information has been provided to me under NDA as an MVP. Also note I will not be going into the higher level detail of what it does as there are many posts on this. Here is a quick look.

This blog post will be in three parts:

  1. Address the WHY of Netbreeze

  2. Looks at WHAT is in the product when the purchase was made

  3. Look at the technical stuff the API

More and more we live in a world where everyone has an opinion, everyone is connected, and everyone has access to a device even when on the move. Customers from the past would put up with being on “hold” in a queues, rejected because they called when you’re not open, being told “sorry if you don’t have the receipt….” starved for choice. This is now changing! Customers know that with one tweet, millions of people can find out about that bad service, one post on Facebook and the friends they have influence over, will not go near your brand. In the global economy we live in these customers have choice and they have a voice.

What Netbreeze allows is the ability to listen to that collective voice and take very personal action on it. It allows the ability to listen across media channel, language, and technology and find out what your customers are saying about you, your brand, your products, your staff, and your competitors.

  • Easy Customer Acquisition

  • The ability to research topics and trends

  • Increase sales

  • Enhance your portfolio

  • Raise Customer Loyalty

  • Provided customers with Tylor made Service that provides Real Value

A list of some of the major companies using Netbreeze are as follows:

  • Ebay

  • Allianz

  • Unilever

  • Migros (Switzerland's largest retailing company, its largest supermarket chain and largest employer)


  • UBS (provides investment banking, asset management and wealth management services for private, corporate and institutional clients worldwide)

  • Swiss RE (It is the world's second-largest reinsurer)

  • Switzerland's Federal Authorities

You can read Netbreeze – The Technology at Purchase Part 2 of 3